Sometime in the last few years I realized I was finishing books at a pace that truly alarmed me. I was always a voracious reader as a kid, and I grew up to be an editor, so the amount of reading (or lack thereof) I was doing ashamed me and frankly made me kind of sad.
Then I realized that 1) I spend most of my day reading at work (it just isn’t “fun” reading and I am usually fixing the writing), and 2) I was getting through the Outlander books, and at 1,000+ pages a pop, those aren’t exactly quick reads (though they are totally worth it).
Last year, inspired by my friend Katharine, I set a goal to read at least a book a month. A whole 12 books in a year does not sound like much. I finished at 13. I modestly bumped my goal for 2019 up to 15 this year, and in January, my friend Lindsay added me to her Google spreadsheet where a bunch of people track what they read and either recommend the book or don’t! I think of this as a book club without meetups or discussions; just a quick virtual way to get good ideas on what to read next, and I LOVE IT.
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