Playlist: My Terrible Training Music


I guess because, oh I don't know, Mercury is in retrograde, the earth is rebelling against us, and everything is terrible, yesterday the forecast was calling for 5-8 inches of snow on Saturday.


Luckily, the forecast has since changed to only 1 inch of snow...maybe. I wish my job had the same margin of error meteorologists have.

ANYWAY, following the first forecast, I got an e-mail about the potential for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler to be canceled. Luckily, they don't trust weathermen either, so it isn't yet.

Cross your fingers for me though, because I've been training, and I've been really excited to put my two 2017 surgeries behind me and run the first race I've run in almost a year. I am going to pretend that first forecast never happened, and in honor of the upcoming race this weekend that WILL happen (perhaps amongst dead trees rather than cherry blossoms), I'm sharing my current training playlist.

It's a solid possibility that I should not share this with anyone because, well, such a mix of hip hop, EDM, dubstep, reggaeton, and pop is somewhat embarrassing. But let's be real, if you're someone who thinks your music is "cool," you're probably an asshole anyway.

This is the music that currently gets me hyped (who WOULDN'T love getting started with Cardi B?!) and keeps me going on my long runs. Follow on Spotify if you'd like -- I'm always updating it. Or find me and share your music with me!

What do you listen to when you work out? Are you *cool* or is your playlist as shameful as mine? Tell me your favorite tracks in the comments here or on Instagram! I'm always looking for new jams.
